Saturday, March 6, 2010

Welcome (Back) to my Rage.

Good Things are worth waiting on…

I have returned to dust away the cobwebs.  I know that it has been quite awhile since everyone’s favorite Red Mage has slinked out the woodwork to step upon her soapbox, but sadly I was born without the blogging gene. Thanks to advancement in modern science I am seeking illegal gene therapy in order to acquire it.  I know it has been along time, but sadly there has been a lot in my life that has changed. My life outside of Vana’diel has been interrupted by illness and the death of my father. The past year has turned my entire world upside and it has taken awhile to pick up the pieces.

I see it as only fitting thou that with new life being breathed into Vana’diel that I take this time to breathe the breath of life back in here.  I am hoping with all of my being that I can commit to updating this at least once a week. If all goes well with that gene therapy that should be no problem. Anyways, enough business onto to what you come here for.

My Life in Vana’diel.

My life in Vana’diel has changed as much as my life in that “real” world. For those who know my long time home was Bahamut. That was the sever that I started on going on 6 years ago now. In the past year or so it had become so overpopulated that SE made the decision to close of the server thus preventing any new life from entering. I stuck it out thou, along with <insert adjective here> Kitty, but a funny thing was happening. What was once a rich environment  of creative minds became the shallow end of the gene puddle. It had de-evolved down so far that it was becoming impossible to get anything done. The level arrogant elitism had seems down into the very core and thus made my time there miserable. So I decided to hop across the multiverse and find “The King(Queen) of the Black Mages” over on Slyph. So I packed up <insert adjective here> Kitty and a silly little hume only to be known as Gimp-r-i and moved on up to the Slyph side. Aside from it not really being a campaign server life if good.

I have no regrets in leaving Bahamut. I will admit that there are a few people that  I miss, but unfortunately all of the sewer rot that was infesting that place made them easy to leave behind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
