Sunday, March 28, 2010

SE I applaud you….just this once.

/clap…There it is done. That one was for you SE. Do not get used to it. In the 7 years I have played this game you have done one fucking thing that deserves you applause. What pray tell was this clap inspiring act? Just a little thing call Odin and Alexander. I applaud SE not for giving SMNs new summons, since really they did not need them, but for making this such a bitch to get and so situational to use.

Now don’t get me wrong. I like SMN, know some great ones. I even think that it can be a very useful job beyond that of a gimp healer, but they did not need anymore summons. SMNs have a full wheel of Avatars, even getting two dark based Avatars. However SMNs are some whiney bastards and pissed and moaned, so SE relented and gave them Alex and Odin. Two brand new summons that can only be used every two hours since they can only be called out under the effect of Astral Flow. Even better than that is that they only get one ability each. PS: Odin’s Astral Flow can MISS!!!

Oh, but my sweet kiddies you might be thinking wow, what a slap in the face, but it does in fact get better than that. In order to obtain both of these albeit cool to look at avatars you have complete Treasures of Aht Urhgan mission #44, as in you have to have COMPLETED ToAu in order to obtain them. So all SMNs have to get off of there collective asses and do more than just what was needed to get mercenary status. I smiled. I smiled like I have not smiled before.

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