Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Meet (Insert Adjective Here) Kitty

Some say she only eats dirt, and that she once had an inappropriate relationship with a Polearm… All we know is, she’s called Nightcrew.

Yes, after years of hearing about me, I’m finally saying hi.

I have been playing on and off since it was released in the for the PC, 8 years ago. But I have only been playing for 4-5 years straight now. Meeting our “Favorite Rdm” was really the big thing why I stayed. I would play for a few months, get frustrated, quit, play something else, get the bug to play FF again, play FF for a few months, etc, etc, etc… But this time around, things were different. I didn’t get frustrated. I was having fun. So I stayed.

You all have heard me referred to as “Pokey Kitty”, “Slasher Kitty”, “Boom Boom Kitty” and many more.

My name is Nightcrew, and i have Job A.D.D. … kinda.

I have leveled many jobs to 75. Nin, Sam, Drg, Blm, Mnk and Blu. I like them, but there’s not enough time and space to play all of them (and also i hate Nin). So Nin is fully retired, Drg is out of the picture till SE makes the not so crap, and Mnk is… well all the gear I have for Mnk is R/E so even tho I don’t really use it… I have all the gear ready, lol.

My main is Sam. I love Sam. I think he’s cute… oops, wrong Sam…

I just fell in love with it. I like how is pumps out a steady flow of damage while being able to live if you become too “friendly” with the mob.

Blm was leveled as more of a “Oh snap, we’re a Blm short for event” and instead of having to cancel or spend another hour trying to rework shit, I would have a Blm in the wing waiting. But my Old LS seem to forget that i have a nicely geared Sam and only wanted my Blm. I have a love/hate thing with Blm cuz of this.

Blu is my newest baby. I feel that Blu is an awesome job. Like Rdm can fill a lot of different roll. Can dish out nice DD, enfeeble, cure (not well but can in a pinch), has waaay to many Sleepgas for its own good, can tank… the list go on. The only pisser with Blu for me is the Blu Points. I understand why… but would like to have more.

I am one of those players that right on the line of casual player and hardcore player. I love to just fuck around and do stupid shit. But I also love a good event LS, doing Sky, Sea, etc. I do tend to burn out real quick. But FFXI does offer enough to help break up the monotony… if I just get up off my lazy ass and do them >.>

But that is me. In a Nutshell. Really bad at ending posts. Bye!

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