Sunday, March 28, 2010

SE I applaud you….just this once.

/clap…There it is done. That one was for you SE. Do not get used to it. In the 7 years I have played this game you have done one fucking thing that deserves you applause. What pray tell was this clap inspiring act? Just a little thing call Odin and Alexander. I applaud SE not for giving SMNs new summons, since really they did not need them, but for making this such a bitch to get and so situational to use.

Now don’t get me wrong. I like SMN, know some great ones. I even think that it can be a very useful job beyond that of a gimp healer, but they did not need anymore summons. SMNs have a full wheel of Avatars, even getting two dark based Avatars. However SMNs are some whiney bastards and pissed and moaned, so SE relented and gave them Alex and Odin. Two brand new summons that can only be used every two hours since they can only be called out under the effect of Astral Flow. Even better than that is that they only get one ability each. PS: Odin’s Astral Flow can MISS!!!

Oh, but my sweet kiddies you might be thinking wow, what a slap in the face, but it does in fact get better than that. In order to obtain both of these albeit cool to look at avatars you have complete Treasures of Aht Urhgan mission #44, as in you have to have COMPLETED ToAu in order to obtain them. So all SMNs have to get off of there collective asses and do more than just what was needed to get mercenary status. I smiled. I smiled like I have not smiled before.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Meet (Insert Adjective Here) Kitty

Some say she only eats dirt, and that she once had an inappropriate relationship with a Polearm… All we know is, she’s called Nightcrew.

Yes, after years of hearing about me, I’m finally saying hi.

I have been playing on and off since it was released in the for the PC, 8 years ago. But I have only been playing for 4-5 years straight now. Meeting our “Favorite Rdm” was really the big thing why I stayed. I would play for a few months, get frustrated, quit, play something else, get the bug to play FF again, play FF for a few months, etc, etc, etc… But this time around, things were different. I didn’t get frustrated. I was having fun. So I stayed.

You all have heard me referred to as “Pokey Kitty”, “Slasher Kitty”, “Boom Boom Kitty” and many more.

My name is Nightcrew, and i have Job A.D.D. … kinda.

I have leveled many jobs to 75. Nin, Sam, Drg, Blm, Mnk and Blu. I like them, but there’s not enough time and space to play all of them (and also i hate Nin). So Nin is fully retired, Drg is out of the picture till SE makes the not so crap, and Mnk is… well all the gear I have for Mnk is R/E so even tho I don’t really use it… I have all the gear ready, lol.

My main is Sam. I love Sam. I think he’s cute… oops, wrong Sam…

I just fell in love with it. I like how is pumps out a steady flow of damage while being able to live if you become too “friendly” with the mob.

Blm was leveled as more of a “Oh snap, we’re a Blm short for event” and instead of having to cancel or spend another hour trying to rework shit, I would have a Blm in the wing waiting. But my Old LS seem to forget that i have a nicely geared Sam and only wanted my Blm. I have a love/hate thing with Blm cuz of this.

Blu is my newest baby. I feel that Blu is an awesome job. Like Rdm can fill a lot of different roll. Can dish out nice DD, enfeeble, cure (not well but can in a pinch), has waaay to many Sleepgas for its own good, can tank… the list go on. The only pisser with Blu for me is the Blu Points. I understand why… but would like to have more.

I am one of those players that right on the line of casual player and hardcore player. I love to just fuck around and do stupid shit. But I also love a good event LS, doing Sky, Sea, etc. I do tend to burn out real quick. But FFXI does offer enough to help break up the monotony… if I just get up off my lazy ass and do them >.>

But that is me. In a Nutshell. Really bad at ending posts. Bye!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Welcome (Back) to my Rage.

Good Things are worth waiting on…

I have returned to dust away the cobwebs.  I know that it has been quite awhile since everyone’s favorite Red Mage has slinked out the woodwork to step upon her soapbox, but sadly I was born without the blogging gene. Thanks to advancement in modern science I am seeking illegal gene therapy in order to acquire it.  I know it has been along time, but sadly there has been a lot in my life that has changed. My life outside of Vana’diel has been interrupted by illness and the death of my father. The past year has turned my entire world upside and it has taken awhile to pick up the pieces.

I see it as only fitting thou that with new life being breathed into Vana’diel that I take this time to breathe the breath of life back in here.  I am hoping with all of my being that I can commit to updating this at least once a week. If all goes well with that gene therapy that should be no problem. Anyways, enough business onto to what you come here for.

My Life in Vana’diel.

My life in Vana’diel has changed as much as my life in that “real” world. For those who know my long time home was Bahamut. That was the sever that I started on going on 6 years ago now. In the past year or so it had become so overpopulated that SE made the decision to close of the server thus preventing any new life from entering. I stuck it out thou, along with <insert adjective here> Kitty, but a funny thing was happening. What was once a rich environment  of creative minds became the shallow end of the gene puddle. It had de-evolved down so far that it was becoming impossible to get anything done. The level arrogant elitism had seems down into the very core and thus made my time there miserable. So I decided to hop across the multiverse and find “The King(Queen) of the Black Mages” over on Slyph. So I packed up <insert adjective here> Kitty and a silly little hume only to be known as Gimp-r-i and moved on up to the Slyph side. Aside from it not really being a campaign server life if good.

I have no regrets in leaving Bahamut. I will admit that there are a few people that  I miss, but unfortunately all of the sewer rot that was infesting that place made them easy to leave behind.