Monday, April 30, 2007

Didn't your mother teach you not to stare?

To set the scene: I am wondering around Ru Lude Gardens waiting for some friends to get in from Bastok {Slowga} {Airship}. I am at my usual spot unloading crap from inventory at the Auction House and I am checked. Okay, I have a Bazaar up with gifts and whatnot. I am checked again, but this time I am no bazaar check. *Looks at chatlog* {hmmm.} same person has checked me twice. I choose to ignore thinking noob in Jeuno prolly checking our gear (Full AF). I get checked a 3rd time, by SAME PERSON! I am starting to get annoyed, what was so special that you need a 3rd peek? That is why the /tell flashes up on my screen.
Randompc >> Why you have a sword?
Randompc: Why Not?
Randompc >> You RDM, RDM = {Back Line Job}
Okay I am REALLY ANNOYED at this point since I know where this is going and I really hate this conversation especially since this is not the first time this has happened.
Randompc: RDM can do alot of jobs in PT
Randompc >> You use {Staff} {Healing Magic} {Refresh}
Half of me just wants to /blist him right now, but what the hell, my friends missed the Airship.
Randompc: RDM is a battle Mage, we can {Front Line Job} {Healing Magic} {Enfeebling Magic}
Randompc >> You bad RDM you need to {Refresh} {Healing Magic} Only
*Slams head into KBD* WHY MUST THIS HAPPEN... This is where I get pissed. The rest of the coversation is the usual line of how I am wasting my time using a sword blah, blah, blah. I think that I have this happen about once a week, usually in Jeuno since there is to much lag in Whitegate.

1. Red Mage is one of the most highly versitable jobs out there.
2. There are many places that the RDM can fill in PT
3. Melee RDM is not only for Soloing

Why is it that close to no one in this game understands just how versitile the RDM can be. A RDM can fill many gaps in party. In my time as a RDM as been Puller using Ranged or *gasp* the good old Dia pull. I have played main and back up healer when needed and of course my roll as Enfeebler is second to none. Outside of PT the RDM is unstoppable. There is no limit to what we can do.

PLEASE PEOPLE SHOW SOME LOVE FOR THE RDM!!! OH! and Stop Sending me bitchy tells when you see me running around with a Sword and Shield.



Aser said...

It happens.

just do your job well, and ignore those uneducated.
Those who konw or partied with you before, will know that you are one GOOD RDM.

Anonymous said...

i've gotten this same situation multiple times granted im not as "skilled" as you are but i am a lv50 rdm with a sword and shield to, and boy does it drive me crazy when i get almost 15 checks from one person.... they spammed me while i was partying in eastern altepa with some friends

i feel for you and it does suck