Sunday, May 6, 2007

{Short Time} {Break}

Our lovley {Ninja} Kitty is moving this week so my using partying situation is on hold at the moment, but that does mean that I am not still roaming the roads of Vana'diel seeing what kind of trouble I can get myself into.


One of my motto's in this game is {Adventure} {Excitement} {Can I Have it?} so when a LS memeber said "New Moon, tomorrow, Black Coney {Help me Out!}" Now despite the fact that I am only a level RDM60/WHM30 and despite the fact that Black Coney is a level 70-72NM I said sure I'll be there. So at this time, we have a 60RDM and 67RNG signed on to go out and kill Coney. The morning comes and our {Power} {Ranger} is ready to go solo because he does not want to see someone else die.
If it is just going to be you and I don't bother, I don't want to see someone else die
{Um...} Hun if I was worried about dying I would not of volenteered to come in the first place....
So I head to Metalworks and OP to the frozen Wastes... I have alittle surprize in store for our {Power} {Ranger}
PowerRanger: I have a surprize for you! MNK75/NIN37 coming with me
PowerRanger >> {Really?!}
PowerRanger: Yup... I just landed at the Outpost {Invite to Join Party}
***Monkkitty invites you to her party***
(PowerRanger) {Thank you} for coming guys.
(Monkkitty) Sure Evil Bunny of Doom {Can I have it?}
(Darkillusion) oooh I have yet another surprize for you!!
(PowerRanger) {Huh!?}
(Darkillusion) BLM75/WHM37 {Do you need it?}
(PowerRanger) {Yes Please}
After *several* minutes of the RNG jump up and down for joy and thanking us the pop came up for The Evil Bunny of Doom. I will say, this bunny is not that evil. Even with the BLM coming late since finishing a party the first kill went off without a hitch. When the BLM showed up...well let's just say I am still picking Bunny Bits out of my hair. The one thing that does make this bunny a bitch is that 3 kills No Drop.... I will be back for you!!!

The Economny Blows

Some days I feel like my dad talking about the good old days. Soon I feel I like I am going to saying "I remember when to get to a party I have walk 20miles uphill in the snow to get a camp barefoot with no PL" All senior moments aside I really do miss the days when I was able to make about 200k per day farming w/o having thief subbed.
I am not complaining that SE has taken steps to get rid of the gilsellers, but damn the econ is fucked right now. I used to be able to craft and actaully make gil. I really miss the days I could farm silk and sell it for 50k a stack. Sleepshroom 10-15k a stack. Damn, even Darksteel ore used to sell for 20-30k a chunk. Now I can't make gil to save my life.
On the note of Gilsellers, I believe that all of SEs efforts will soon be in vane, since I ran into what we call a "Speedbump" Party, aka 7 tarutarus in starter gear with No Subjobs in Qufim Island No LS and names that were all SSS... Sometimes I still wish we could MPK people.
There was one bit of GS death that I did enjoy. I watch a "Speedbump" getting pwnd by a Goblin Bounty Hunter in Valkrum Dunes. "Opps I forgot that the RDM gets Raise"

Darkillusion Rescue Ranger
Idly wondering around Basty trying to skill up magic I look over to Jenna's screen to see he getting raped by several mean looking Sahagins in SSG, why, she was helping an LS memeber get the Utsemi quest. So out of my Mog I sprang into action. To the Outpost into SSG and to the ill-fated adventures. I raise the young one first but you does not always grant wisdom. He pops up before I have killed the Sahagins and poof is dead again.
Darkillusion uses a Reraise Earring
Darkillusion gains the effect of Reraise
I take my train of new found friends over to jenna and raise her. She like a smart player waits till I have everything aggroed and them runs for the nearest safe ledge to heal up.
Darkillusion is Defeated by the Brook Sahagin
I can solo alot of shit, but 7 Sahagin, EP or not just was not working. It was actually 9 but I had managed to sleep two of them.
Darkillusion uses a Reraise Earring
Darkillusion gains the effect of Reraise
Lather, Rinse, Repeat.... I hate people that don't listen. I mean what part of "Come over here and rest by me so you don't die again" is so hard to understand. We get the statue and now head back to Norg. Somehow he missed the instruction of "Tell us on first warning for sneak" and he dropped about 3 more times, all the time whining about the Damn EXP he lost. I am not sure at this point if I should just warp out and say fuck it or if I actaully want to stay. I stay, but only for Jenna. Thank Altana I don't give a shit about lost exp.
Darkillusion is Defeated by the Rivelut Sahagin
CURSE YOU SE FOR GIVING MOBS CURAGA II!! at this point we just call in a BLM and have them escape us, but damn sometimes I question my nicness.

Okay Folks, I am out for the day, let's see what fun tomorrow brings.

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