Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I was a Vana'Diel Drug Mule....

"Crystaltime Television for Hume Females Presents the Dark Tale of a Red Mage lured into the Grimy world of Drug Muling for the sake of Proving her worth.... "

I was a Vana'diel Drug Mule....

Seriously thou, after completing LB4 I have come to the conclusion that Maat is a Drug Dealer and all adventures are being used to help him get his supplies. I am not really sure who he selling it too, but I really have to wonder what is up with him and that moogle... SOMEONE CALL P.E.T.A NOW!!!!

Let's look over the "Items" that Maat needs for you to prove your worth to him.

Limit Break 1: In Defiant Challenge

Ancient Papayrus: {Hmm.} I don't know about you boys and girls but that sounds like Rolling paper to me.
Exoray Mold: Well, he does need something to stick in that paper and since I am sure no Ranger in there right mind is going to give up their hat so Maat can get on with some Moogle lovin', he has to resort to some {Black Magic} {Mushrooms}. I am not sure *anyone* would want to smoke mold, but it must take more than Fermented Yagudo Drinks to get the Moogle Happy.
Bomb Coal: My guess is our old boy is too "High Class" for a couple of Flint Stones so he needs a more "Elite" way to light his bud.
Maat seems to be pretty good at limiting his usage because he wait 5 whole levels before he needs you to pick up the next "shipment"

Limit Break 2: Atop the Highest Mountain

Frigicite: Round, Square or Trianglar it seems the old man wants to he hit with all the cool kids. Looks like the old man is pushing to all those Bard Kiddies that Rave late into the night at the Merry Minstrel. I am sure that old man is keeping a stash for himself to make sure he can still dance late into the night for that poor moogle.

Limit Break 3: Wence the Wind Blows...

Orcish, Quadav and Yagudo Crest: Looks like Windurst is not the only ones making deals with the beastman. Seems our old boy is sending his mules out to pick up some harder stuff. I think the name of this quest says it all; Blow. That's right boys and girls the old boy is dipping into the nose candy. Ever wonder what it really means to be in a manaburn party. An Eightball of Maat't shit will keep those chains running long and hard. This stuff is top notch thou, I mean what else are players out earning limit points for. The more limit points they have the better and purer the powder. Come to think of it, I bet that is really what keeps the Old boy dancing all day and night.

The Delivery system makes me believe that the Ducal Guards may be getting wise to the old boy thou, he is having to come up more clever ways of getting his stuff in the city. Sending and "Adventurer" out to infiltrate a beastman lair is seen as a good deed so no one questions why he keeps having all of those "Crest" delivered.

Limit Break 4: Riding on the Clouds

Strange Stones: More like Blotter tabs... Maat wants the good children of Vana'diel to "Riding the clouds", but we all know that is just code for Tripping Out. Seems he has some suppliers all over the land that our mixing up home brew for him and making it nice and small and tab shaped. Perfect size to drop on your tongue and start to watch the world melt away. You know I bet that is what Shantotto uses in her "Special" mixtures. The rampant sale of these would explain why you see so many people running into walls...

Limit Break 5: Shattering Stars

I have not personally taken on this challenge yet, but I have some suspicions about it. I mean why would your good buddy suddenly want to fight you after all you have done for him? What is on that "Testimony" that pisses him off so much. I bet he just found out that you are in the list of witnesses being called to testify in his Drug Trafficking case and now the old boy wants to take you out. See how much love you get in the end.

Nomad Moogle: Innocent Victim or Partner in Crime
That moogle stands there is watches Maat dance. Has he been drugged with the same "goods" that Maat is pushing across Vana'diel so that Maat can have his way with the moogle on the dark and cold nights or is the Moogle a partner in crime helping Maat to deliver his goods to the good children of Vana'diel. At this stage it is impossible to tell, but I have to wonder why he seems to dazed and confused when you talk to him?...


Anonymous said...

SHIT!!! She's onto us!! I must alert Maat and Azmo!! >.>

Anonymous said...

Well said.