Monday, June 4, 2007

A Lesson to Random Level 75s....

Okay kiddies, this Red Mage is pissed off.
Once Upon a time My Static and I are out enjoying ourselves raping random birds in Caedarva Mire to Cap EXP before going to to do LB3. When some *ROCKSTAR* of a level 75MNK comes and starts ganking our EXP Mobs. Now I am as flighty to get pissed over them killing one bird, we were taking a potty break so it was not a big deal for me or anyone else. Then he gets aggroed by a Skely, now at this point I am only half paying attention to the screen since I am on the phone and looking for some random lost item near the bed. When all of sudden he does a /say for a cure. Now, remember I am not really watching the screen and did not have time to even react to him when he drops. Also note kiddies that near him (in same party, fighting same mobs) are 2BLUs and a RDM in Full(ish) Relic Armor. I pretty much blow this off and go back to find my missing item. Finally item in hand, rest of my PT back from various drink, potty, smoke, blood returning to lower extremites break we get ready to get rolling again, and that is when the tells start popping up my screen....
Level75Noob>> I am going to gank all of your EXP Mobs since you would not cure me
(I never actaully respond to any of these tells and these are tells coming from a couple of different people in my PT)
Level75Noob>> All I needed was a simple cure and you just stood there and ignored me, I mean I could of one hitted that skelly, but nooooo I have to lose EXP because you suck (um... let me see you choose to not switch target to the Skelly that you could one hit and continue to hit the {Too Weak} Bird...right....)
Level75Noob>> I mean it is common courtsey to help people out (um... let's see there are so many things wrong with statement.)
At this point the convo just sort of faded out since I am not one to listen to inane drivel from someone who prolly bought their account.

{Gather Together} Kiddies because there is a moral to the story today, in fact as I spin the "Wheel of Morality" I see that there are several lessons to be learned here today.
1. I am not your Random PL. Just because I am standing there in the same zone as you does not mean that I am going to PL you. This is not Valkrum Dunes or Qufim Island hunny, this is Caedarva Mire, if you don't know how to play on the big kids playground go back to the toddler pit where all of the mobs have safety devices on.
2. Please...even if you are asshat enough to buy your account, learn the job you are trying to fake it at. I mean, hell the MNK in my Static knows how to use {Chakra} to save his Manthra ass.
3. *If* you claim to be able to one hit something, do it, don't stand there and let it is have it's Necrophiliac way with you while you struggle to take down a {Too Weak} Birdy with 3 other people.
4. Trust the People you party with. I am a RDM so I would hope that the RDM is Relic that is standing next to you would at least have Cure I that they could cast on you.
5. Do I look like your Mother? I know that you are prolly some 14 year-old wanna be uber-133t who's mommy still feeds you and wipes you backside, but really I am not in this game to babysit you. I am a pretty helpfull person, hell my LS is founded on helping people and having fun, but only someone whose mommy has convienced that they are "Special" would think that everyone owes them help.

The kicker to the story is that we know other people who are in the same LS as him and *Surprise, Surprise* he has a rep for being a jack-ass and have of the LS have him /blisted for that.

Oh! Mommy Red Mage has one finaly thing to leave you with"
"Your Mom, Dad, Autie, Grandma and Guidence Counsler lied, you are not special, you are an in-duh-vidual just like everyone else, so grow-up, buck-up and kindly: STFU!!!!!"

"Now you know... and knowing is half the battle!!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-.- This reminds me of the guy in our PT saying WHM was useless. Some ppl are just lower than being retarded i guess