Sunday, May 13, 2007

A Note to SquareEnix...

Dear SquareEnix,

I love a good challenge. I love a good fight. I love the feeling of opening the treasue box and seeing that the item that I desire is just waiting for me to lot on it. What I don't love is the shitty drop rate on AF/Quest Items. I understand low drop rates on weapons that are just being hunted or items that tend to fetch a decent price at auction, but really must you make us suffer when it comes to getting gear that we cannot Sell or Trade and is only going to be used for us!!!

Example #1: White Mage AF3: The Tavnazia Bell
Enter the horrid Death Pit known as The Eldieme Necropolis. Two people had already been hunting Shades for 2 hours with no drop. This is where I am called in since I know wher the Dark Stalkers are. After playing gate roulette we make it to the spot we need. The killing begins. I have crystals out the ass but no bell for our poor White Mage. We are verging on hour 3 and still no drop. It is two much of risk with the damn doors to move to the other camp since well, there is always someone playing with the doors.
We move into hour four. We have added a BLU for Faster kills and still no drop. At this point we have taken to killing everything that moves just because we are getting bored. Somewhere around hour 5.5 it drops. There was much screaming and jumping for joy, but really Square, there is no value on the bell other than the WHM AF Quest. It is Rare/Ex so TH or TH2 won't help the drop. Why not make this a 1/5 or 1/10 drop rate and quiting pissing people off with there AF.

Example #2: Coffer Keys
*NOTE TO SE* NO ONE HUNTS COFFER KEYS FOR TREASURE!!! If people are treasure hunt that are THF's using lockpicks and all that Thiefy stuff to pick the lock. No one is wasting there time to hunt Coffer Keys to get the lame ass shit out of the coffers. Who is hunting coffer keys you may ask? Those of us who need their Goddamn AF or Quest Items.
The shout runs though the the Linkshell "Coffer Key White Mage AF Hands Help me out!" Me being the biggest Glutton for punishment says I'll help and we head off to Beadeaux. 2WHMs 1RDM and 1SMN start the battle vs. Vana'diel's mutant ninja turtles and surprise they don't want to give up there keys. The real pisser is that there is a coffer in the room that we are camping so if it dropped our poor WHM could of had their items and we go off and fight the pussy that is Dark Spark.
5 hours later and still no key. There is a treasue coffer staring at us, taunting us and no key. Square you are responisble for the tears of a WHM.

SE oh SE you try to make changes to make the game better but you fail to listen to the tears of WHM crying over a coffer that they cannot open. You push the economy into the gutter, but something that has no value in the game you make elusive to us. There is no Gillsellers camping AF items, there are no Gillsellers trying to barter coffer keys. Do us a favor, SET THE WHM FREE!!!


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