Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The "G" Word

In the land of Vana'diel there is a new dirty word. A word that if uttered will have a swarm of GMs decend on you, carry you to Mordian Goal and wash your mouth out with a Chocobo's Rectal Feather. That word children is Gilseller. Yea, we all hate them, but the desire to perform ethich cleansing on Vana'diel has made life for the rest of us a living hell. It would seem that you can't walk out of your Mog House without someone calling you a Gilseller.

So I have taken time to comprise a list of how to spot a gilseller by today's standards:

1. Own a Content ID
2. Have a created a character
3. Have leveled a job
4. Sell items on Auction House
5. Buy items on Auction House
6. Kill Monsters
7. Craft
8. Ride a Chocobo
9. Be in a Zone
10. Be in your Mog House

If you spot any of the above behaviors call a GM fast. If you, yourself are exhibiting any of the following behavior, please Delete your content ID, cancel your Highspeed connection and go in a dark corner with a knife and pretend you are Bad Dark Knight.

Okay, I know that that pretty much describes anyone playing FFXI, but it is getting that bad. To make matters worse, SE is doing nothing more than making the problem worse. If anything they are driving us to the Gilsellers with open arms and not even for the "OMG I MUST HAVS THE UBER L33T SHIZNIT", soon enough we are going to be running to them just to buy Shihei. I am waiting for the day I see Ninjas in the dark alleys in Jeuno peforming alittle {Subtle Blow} for Makibishi.

It used to be that you when your pockets started running low you could head out and farm. Now if you farm you violating pretty much all of the above signs that you are gilseller. Remember Mistletoe? I do, used to make a killing off of it in Lufaise Meadows. You crafters out there might remember Remedy, I do, since that is why my mistletoe sold, but then SE when and cut the price the Remedy sold to a shop, now giant trees are overrunning the world. I never understood that. it was Remedy, it was not even being sold to the players, it was being sold to an NPC, it was nothing more than a craft and burn. No one was hurt, in fact all of us mistletoe farmers liked it much. Now just in time for the holidays I am going to have to cut my shopping list short, why you may wonder, because SE had gone and done it again. This time it seems that we have been overfarming the poor Bugards in Misareaux Coast. They have been driven so close to extintion for they wonderful hides that SE was forced to shutdown all hide trading pos.... ah the hell with it. SE went and fucked us over again. One of the last good farming items was Bugard Hides, namely the HQ but we would make do with the regular hides. However in another attempt to save Vana'diel from the evil Gilseller SE went and killed the NPC sell price. Some days I have to wonder does SE really want people to play? Do they not like our money? Since if the current trend stays there will be no one left playing game but Gilsellers since they have nothing better to with their time but earn gil.

I choose what I farm based on convenience. I still want to have time in my day to party, help out friend, do some Campaign or whatever. I don't play this game to spend 365 days a year to farm and that the end of it all have nothing to show for. Altana forbid I try craft, because the minute I craft the same item more than twice someone is going to send a GM call accusing me of "Using the AH for RMT purposes." I could go and try to camp an NM, but that would make everyone think that I am dirty, nasty Gilseller. I guess that I only have one choice left. I should of known that SE have something else in mind when they gave us the DNC job. Looks like I have some new moves for when I go back to work at the Rusty Anchor.

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